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Heute 38 / Gestern 48 / Woche 298 / Monat 1329 / : 142039

Foreign Field
10.03. bis 31.03.2019
Colin Booth, David Ebner, Alfred Worrall

curated by Brunno Silva


Eröffnung:   Samstag, 09.03.2019   von 18 bis 20 Uhr



© Andrew Kime



The path to Brexit has proven to be increasingly damaging and unpopular in the UK, whilst also being problematic in its definition and execution. With the rise of populist governments, such isolationist politics are becoming an abnormal commonplace. Across numerous historical examples, such artificial divisions do not consider nature’s landscape and everyday social interactions, dividing countries, cities and families. In a representation of current debates regarding locality, borders and political rhetoric, the presented artworks explore the dissonance between artificial borders and human longings. They are dedicated to European friends and colleagues.


Colin Booth / David Ebner / Alfred Worrall


Initially Jake Scott and Alex Turvey were meant to take part in this exhibition. Unfortunately en route to Berlin their artwork got damaged in an accident which baffled this plan.



© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie


© Agentur für Fotografie