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Heute 4 / Gestern 48 / Woche 264 / Monat 1295 / : 142005



21.08. bis 01.09.2018

Colectivo Deúniti


Eröffnung:   Montag,    27.08.2018   um 19 Uhr

Finissage:   Samstag, 01.09.2018   um 20 Uhr


© Colectivo Deúniti



The spatial configuration and dwelling of Colombian cities, particularly that of those making up Medellín´s metropolitan area - our place of origin and residence - also known as the Aburrá Valley, has been a recurring theme of reflection in our artistic work. This reflection is the starting point for our intervention at the Pavillon am Milchhof, in which we will recreate different aspects of the conurbation such as it´s topography, architecture, people, and transportation means among others. In a way of superimposed layers, different techniques ranging from collage tp painting and stencil are mixed in a performative action consisting of two phases: first, we will intervene the exterior walls of the Pavillon from which some fragments will be later detached in order to convert them, in the second phase, in pieces that will be exhibited inside. Thus, this work elapses between two ambits: the urban and the private space, portrayed from our own experience in each of these areas.



The participation of Deúniti in the Pavillon am Milchhof will take place from August 21 to September 1, 2018:

August 21-25: external walls intervention

August 26: extraction of pieces for exhibiting inside

August 27: opening of the exhibition

September 1: video presentation and closing


About Deúniti

Deúniti is an art collective, which since 2006 has posed conversations in art and city spaces through public space interventions and cultural initiatives in tis work spaces. We are keen to understand and inquire about the contradictions surrounding urban processes that make up Colombian cities. The purpose of our cultural project is to connect people, contexts and territories. The exaltation and reflection on the everyday, the common, is the excuse that motivates us to do it.


In Deúniti we believe in collective work; we seek to encourage people to identify with each other as well as create spaces for encounter. Our artistic approach is to work on simple yet powerful everyday matters that show us that, contrary to what we usually believe, we do share common understandings, conversations, habits, tastes and emotions, also with those whom seem distant to us. This position of reflection leads us to face the city with a critical but constructive view; our view is that it is not imperative to think or be like others in order to build with them.


Colectivo Deúniti


© Colectivo Deúniti




© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti




© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti




© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti




© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti

© Colectivo Deúniti