The Cuckoo´s Nest
19.05. bis 27.05.2018
Shingo Yoshida
Vernissage: Freitag, 18.05.2018 um 19 Uhr
© Shingo Yoshida
“The Cuckoo's Nest”
4K video, color, sound, 16:9, 27min
(Harlösa The Avian Kingdom, Sweden 2017 May ) + Wall drawing
In 1644 a resistance nest was built by defenseless farmers against the Swedish army approaching from the North. 700 civilists were executed and their dead bodies were thrown into a valley in Harlösa. Since they were never burried, their traces can be found until today.
Denmark lost the historical province Scania to Sweden in 1648 with the end of the Thirty Years' War, one of the bloodiest conflicts in European history.
In the following decades the Danish so-called “Snapphanars“ kept resistance as guerilla fighters against the Sweds. If one was caught, exucution was done by breaking wheel or impalement.
The two colors of the flag of Scania remind of the connection to Denmark and its belonging to Sweden. It has been kept in remembrance by the locals.