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Heute 11 / Gestern 48 / Woche 287 / Monat 761 / : 150012

01.09. bis 08.09.2017

Carla Bertone and Gonzalo Reyes Araos



Vernissage:    Donnerstag, 31.08.2017    um 18 Uhr



© Carla Bertone and Gonzalo Reyes Araos


Both artists, interested in color and geometrical configurations, raise questions about the categories of perception and its relationship with the real-virtual surrounding space. This idea is manifestly reinforced by the set up of the exhibition that highlights the architectural transparency and symmetry of the Pavillon.


Bertone’s work “Colour Timeline series” challenges the color-perceptual capability trying to find out how many shades it is possible to find between two hues. These works stand not only for the subtleness and accuracy of her performance as a painter but for the philosophical implications regarding to the dichotomy argument (Zeno`s Paradox) in which the distance between two points might be infinite.

In a harmonic opposition, Reyes Araos’ work “RGBA-ABGR (0.8)” turns the Pavillon’s glass window into two augmented “pixels” by filtering the light of the ambiance through RGB colors. Red, green, and blue are the three colors constituting the pixels that structure digital screens, nowadays the reality that most the time we are staring at. This operates as a representation of the filter of our perception, coming up through this ubiquitous contemporary form of communication.





Carla Paola Bertone (Buenos Aires 1975) MFA at IUNA, Buenos Aires 2004. Solo shows “Event Horizon” PS Gallery, Buenos Aires 2017, “Fundamental interactions of a starry sky” MACBA, Buenos Aires, 2016, “Three is a magic number” Nopx, Turin, Italy 2012. Grant to young artists by Fondo de Cultura de Buenos Aires 2005 and 2006. Rockland Residency, Seattle, USA 2016. Her practice is focussed on abstraction understood as a cognitive process.

Carla Paola Bertone


Gonzalo Reyes Araos (Quilpué, Chile 1980) Degree in Fine Arts at the School of Fine Arts of Valparaíso 2004. Special Mention in Juan Francisco Gonzalez painting prize 2005, first prize in the Mural Painting Competition at Parque Cultural Ex-Carcel Valparaíso 2004. Grant Commission d'aide au livre et à la Bande dessinée de la région de Wallonie, Belgium 2011, Grant from the Council of Arts Seoul, South Korea for an artist residency in late 2015. He has participated in several exhibitions in Germany, China, South Korea, Scotland, Belgium, Switzerland, Argentina and Chile. His work can be found in public collections including Jinan Art Museum (China), Cultural Corporation of Viña del Mar (Chile), Casa de la Cultura Quillota (Chile) and in private collections in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, South Korea and Chile.

Gonzalo Reyes Araos